无锡惠启泰(WATCHED)是环氧树脂灌封胶、聚氨酯灌封胶、继电器封边胶 粘结剂,以及建筑防水材料的全球供应商。主要专研、开发和生产电子元件灌封材料。产品遍布亚洲、北美、南美、欧洲、拉丁美洲。我司为世界各地用户提供不同的产品和服务以满足不同的产品和方案。让您尽情享受与惠启泰(WATCHED)共同解决您产品问题的美好时光。
Wuxi WATCHED is a world supplier of epoxy casting, PU casting, Adhensives, and water-proof architecture materials. We devote ourselves in study and exploitation as well as manufacture of potting materials for electronic elements, which are well known in Asia, North America, South America, Europe, and Latin America. Also we provide different products and services based on the requirements from the buyers all over the world. Please enjoy the beautiful time that solve the difficult and emergent problems you had