◆ 高饱和,即具有较好电流叠加性能;
◆ 直流阻抗小、损耗低,合金粉末一体成型产品涡流损耗小温升低;
◆ 低噪音,产品采用一体成型方式使得产品内部间隙小(甚至无间隙),克服传统电
◆ 应用频率高,可满足100KHZ~5MHZ频率范围内使用。
1. Inductance is measured at 100KHz,DC 0A
2. Irated that will cause an approximate △T of 40°C.
3. Isat that will cause Lo to drop approximately 20%.
4. Operating temperature range: -55°C ~ +125°C.
5. Test condition:temperature 25±15°C,humidity=20~70%
6. The part temperature (ambient + temp. rise) should not exceed 125°C under
worst case operating conditions. Circuit design, component placement, PWB
trace size and thickness, airflow and other cooling provisions all affect the part
temperature. Part temperature should be verified in the end application.