热镀锌铁艺围墙护栏 深圳医院围墙栅栏 珠海防爬不锈钢隔离栏
Hot galvanized iron fence fence Shenzhen Hospital fence Zhuhai anti climbing stainless steel fence
项目部围栏样式 佛山公园安全锌钢防护围墙 河源别墅花式隔离栏
Stainless steel courtyard fence is the most used metal fence among the new assembled guardrails. Its wide use is directly related to its own advantages. It is a kind of metal fence with high cost performance. What are the characteristics of zinc steel villa guardrails?
1. The zinc steel material of the stainless steel courtyard fence adopts various kinds of galvanized steel made of high-quality hot-dip galvanized steel strips, and uses high-end welding technology to ensure that the welding between guardrails is flat and firm.
2. The galvanized pipe used for stainless steel courtyard fence has a high zinc content on the surface, which can ensure that the villa guardrail will not rust for 3-5 years under normal temperature.
3. The perfect combination of pipes between stainless steel courtyard fences can achieve beauty, firmness and use, and meet the national standard for the use of villa guardrails.
4. The surface of stainless steel courtyard fence can be sprayed with powder, which makes the guardrail look more beautiful and the shape more novel. Moreover, the color of the surface can be freely matched, which has a super protective effect. It can also be self-cleaning and environmental protection, and meet the national requirements of low-carbon environmental protection.
晟成护栏厂是一家集科研、生产、销售热镀锌护栏、铁艺护栏于一体的企业, 主导产品有:热镀锌护栏、艺术栏杆、铁艺栏杆、不锈钢围栏以及欧式栏杆、市政园林护栏,市政道路护栏,桥梁护栏,河道护栏,不锈钢护栏,楼梯扶手,阳台护栏,绿化带护栏,铁丝网护栏,铁艺围墙护栏,果园围网,圈地围网,高速公路防护网,防眩网,钢格栅井盖,球接栏杆,迎宾柱,铁路隔离栅,热镀锌护栏,锌钢护栏、铁艺护栏、铝艺护栏、市政花箱护栏、不锈钢复合管桥梁河道景观护栏、工地基坑护栏、工程施工围挡、交通安全设施、建筑爬架网等等相关产品, 产品投放市场以来,以产品质量稳定、服务措施完备,深受用户好评。