详细说明: |
★美国排油基多维膳食素★(冲剂) ※收腰减腹※修腿瘦脸※排毒养颜※均衡营养※ 本品是选用魔芋粉、低聚糖、麦芽、甲壳素、茯苓、膳食纤维、苹果提取物、维生素C、维生素E、维生素B2为原料,经多年临床研究,运用现代顶尖生物医药提取技术,通过国家药品、食品GMP标准认证企业生产的新一代具有排油、减肥、润肠、美颜作用的冲服剂型,效果迅速。水果加多种维生素配方,均衡营养,更有效滋养肌肤,吸油瘦身,安全无毒,是对付俗称“水桶腰”、“将军肚”及“大象腿”的最新型具有养颜、瘦身兼顾的健康食品。 [配 料]魔芋粉、低聚糖、麦芽、甲壳素、茯苓、膳食纤维、苹果提取物、维生素C、维生素E、维生素B2。 [规 格]10g/包*18包 批准文号:卫食健字(1999)第0221号 [适宜人群]单纯性肥胖、青春期肥胖及产后肥胖。特别适合俗称水桶腰、将军肚、大象腿等的肥胖。 [食用方法]每天一次,每次1包,于早上用适量开水冲服或泡在稀饭里一起服用均可。 [贮藏方法]置阴凉干燥处保存 ★解释排油疑问★ ※排油基是水冲泡好,还是泡在稀粥里吃好? 答:都可以,用开水冲服会省时及利用完全些。 ※为什么要在饭前半小时服用? 答:肥胖、高血脂都是控制不住食欲造成的,饭前半小时服用,会使胃部延缓排空,产生饱腹感,控制食欲。 ※为什么服用排油基后,要多喝一杯水? 答:排油基为亲水性物质,多喝一杯水,会使排油基能力更强。 ※吸平肚子后,易不易反弹? 答:正常饮食情况下,是不易反弹的。如果暴饮暴食,肚子也会再大起来,但只要按周期服用,是不会反弹的。 ※服用排油基,饭量减少一半,会不会营养不良? 答:不会!排油基含多种维生素和钙、锌等微量元素,足够人体所需营养,但它不含热量,不产生脂肪,所以减肚子的效果非常显著。 This product is a health food made of konjac powder, oligosaccharide ,malt, chitin, poria, dietary fiber, apple extract, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin B2,applies modern biomedical extraction technology after years of clinical research, we have passed the National Pharmaceutical and food GMP standards certification.It is a health product with the features of weight loss, beauty and quick effectiveness. fruit plus a variety of vitamin formula, which can nourish the skin more effectively. Oil absorption, safe and non-toxic, it is a new healthy product which can deal with the so-called "bucket back", "general belly" and "elephant legs" [Ingredient]Konjac powder, oligosaccharide, malt, chitin, poria, dietary fiber, apple extract, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin B2 [Specifications] 10g / packet * 18 packets [Health effects] Beauty, slimming [Usage] once a day, one pack each time, take it with warm water before or after breakfast [Application Population]simple obesity, adolescence obesity and post-natal obesity. Particularly suitable for the so-called bucket waist, General belly, fat elephant legs and so on. |