261nm 266nm 303nm 320nm 349nm 351nm
355nm 360nm 375nm 395nm 397nm 400nm
405nm 410nm 415nm 435nm 440nm 442nm
445nm 447nm 450nm 454nm 457nm 460nm
462nm 465nm 473nm 480nm 488nm 491nm
500nm 510nm 514nm 515nm 520nm 522nm
523nm 526nm 532nm 543nm 556nm 561nm
589nm 593nm 604nm 607nm
622nm 627nm
633nm 635nm 637nm 639nm 640nm 655nm
656nm 660nm 671nm 680nm 685nm 690nm
705nm 721nm 730nm 750nm
785nm 793nm
800nm 808nm 825nm 830nm 845nm 852nm
879nm 880nm 885nm 905nm 914nm 915nm
940nm 946nm 965nm 975nm 980nm 1030nm
1040nm 1047nm 1053nm 1060nm 1064nm 1085nm
1112nm 1122nm 1177nm 1208nm 1275nm 1310nm
1313nm 1319nm 1320nm 1342nm 1380nm 1413nm
1444nm 1450nm 1470nm 1532nm 1550nm 1573nm
1600nm 1645nm 1710nm 1870nm 1900nm 1910nm
1940nm 1990nm 2096nm 2200nm 3800nm
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| 光电测量产品 >> 自动变焦技术光学测量仪器 >> 全自动丝锥测量系统 IF-ToolPrecision型 | ||
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产品说明: 全自动刀刃360°测量;粗糙度测量,形貌测量,轮廓测量;高品质用户友好面基测量;丝锥和轴的高分辨测量;无限变焦技术面基表面测量。
特点:automatic cutting edge measurement by 360° IF-ToolPrecision is a cutting edge measurement device to automatically measure shaft tools. The system is optimized to measure taps. It is a coordinate measurement device, surface measurement device, contour and roundness measurement device in only one system. Users measure up to 30 parameters throughout the 360° rotation of the tools. 360° measurement of micro machined components with InfiniteFocus plus rotation unit.
The function: roughness measurement, form measurement, contour measurement Users measure form, roughness, and contour including roundness. In research and development the tool inspection system is used for tool optimization. In production integrated quality assurance the system is mainly applied to measure tap tools.
The benefits: areal based measurement at high user friendliness IF-ToolPrecision performs high resolution measurements and is intuitively operated. There are no time consuming calibration routines necessary as the insertion of the tool is very simple with auto calibration included. This increases both measurement speed and accuracy. Results include OK/NOT OK status, tolerances and are visualized in registered color information.
The application: high resolution measurement of taps and shaft tools In tool development, IF-ToolPrecision is used to optimize shaft tools such as drills, milling cutters etc. When used in the automatic mode, the system is applied for the automatic measurement of user defined parameters of taps. Users measure up to 30 parameters throughout the 360° rotation of tools. Usually, these parameters are measured via at least two different measurement systems.
The technology: Focus-Variation for areal based surface measurement IF-ToolPrecision is based on Focus-Variation. The optical technology delivers a measurement point density of more than 100 mil measurement points which enables form and roughness measurement of even large measurement areas and volumes. As an area based technology, Focus-Variation is already included in the most recent EN ISO standard 25178. With each measurement, users automatically receive data for evaluating the measurement uncertainty.
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