Like the heart brand, is the beauty industry investment to the fastest weight reducingfranchise 20年的连锁大品牌,为加盟商精心打造了一个1年回本,2年盈利百万的投资项目。
20 years of chain brand, for the franchisee to carefully build a 1 years back, project investment of 2 profit million.
© 1 men change of heart
Modern, economic development, men make their own career, may begin to be big with pride, began to abandon the home of Huang Lianpo, began to be confused, the worldthen, his heart was changed. To retain the hearts of men with their own body, to joinslimming chain brand, to help you succeed.
中国的传统是:女人结婚之后,其生活重心就会开始倾向家庭,为家里的琐碎操心。同时,也就不会注意自己的身心保养与事业,成了全职的家庭主妇,俗称“家里的煮饭婆。 这时,女人已经变形了:一是没有自己的事业,二是没有年经的容颜。这就意味着,女人将会或者已经失去了吸引男人的魅力。而加盟可丽可心不仅使您事业有成,更能让你保持青春美丽。
© 2 men change of heart, from woman deformation
Chinese tradition: a woman after marriage, their center of life begins to tend to the family, to worry about the home trivial. At the same time, also won't mind bodymaintenance and the cause of their own, and became a full-time housewife, commonly known as "cook at home. At this time, the woman has been distorted: one is not his business, two is not the face. This means that, a woman will be or has lost the charm to attract a man. To not only make you a successful Kelikexin, can let you keep young and beautiful.
© 3 join Kelikexin, creating the beauty of a woman
Kelikexin international slimming franchise chain organization, founded in 1994, the head office is located in Beijing City, Southeast Sanhuan jingruidaisha, have the statutory franchise qualifications.
At present, the franchise network in Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Nanning, the country 28 provinces and autonomous regions, the total number of employees to joinshop million above, for each year of service customers millions for weight loss, the most China slimming industry.
Join Kelikexin, not only restored the beautiful appearance, but also the achievements of their own career.
We will provide training support system, build support system, advertising support system, support system, business operation support system, development supportsystem, logistics support system for you, even if you have no experience, businessKelikexin, you can promise to customer package by 20 jin, a full refund less!
Kelikexin profitability
80% of the wealth in the hands of 20% people, we will be "consumer group positioningKelikexin" in high income groups, so, join Kelikexin equals to have contact with the high-end crowd pass, do Kelikexin boss, make a lot of money in a relaxed, elegant,comfortable, relaxed atmosphere.
For men, women, Kelikexin thin old man, young people, may be overweight diet, can be as the standard weight range within the body, can also be a partial obesity shaping,including gender, age and different consumer groups in different degrees of obesity,body weight loss, so that franchisees have more profit point demands.
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Beautiful lady, you still young, should have a cause of their own, because rely on yourself than rely on men feel more secure! Investment to the fastest slimmingfranchise chain, make you a career and a family, not just for themselves, but also for the benefit of.
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